On 'On Bullshit'

On 'On Bullshit'

"One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each one contributes his share."

Harry G. Frankfurt, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Princeton writes on a pervasive topic of our times - Bullshit. It is a well-recognized concept, but hitherto inadequately studied or characterized. On Bullshit is written and bound like a serious John Stuart Mill-like essay like 'On Liberty' and is a part-serious, part-fun and mostly bullshit essay on 'bullshit'. Franfurt discusses its origins, relations to other sorts of B.S. and ends with its reasons and causes.
In the end, he proves that in most cases the danger of being sincere to ourselves reduces to bullshit.
" ... in this case, sincerity itself is bullshit."

A hilarious read that won't take more than 20 minutes to read but doesn't offer much to the serious reader in terms of substance (yuck!), but that I guess that is the nature of the topic! Those specializing in its production will be flattered to note that what they have been passing off as crap till now is a subject worthy of serious academic study.

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