From the land of navel gazing

Since, I now have more time on my hands, I felt that this is an appropriate time to try out Twitter. So, I have sold out (temporarily) and shall be twittering:, where the good citizens of the world can find the answer to the burning question of the day -- What is Hirak Parikh doing gazing at his navel?

My most private activity is now public. I am now officially a part of the chattering masses.


J Ramanand said...

So have you finished writing up your thesis or is the defence over?

hirak said...

Yeah, the thesis is done. The defense is on Friday. A 'memoir' is in the works.

Wavefunction said...

Congratulations on climbing "Mount Improbable" and best of luck for the defense. I am still extracting myself from under an avalanche. And of course I will look forward to The Memoir.